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Identifying Hazards and Dangers at Home


The elderly can become more fragile as they continue aging. They become more susceptible to falls and other accidents causing injury and pain. And that is why they need a safe place to receive senior care in Vermont.

What are the common hazards that affect seniors at home?

  • Falls

    Seniors are at an increased risk of falls due to factors like reduced balance and mobility. Slippery floors, cluttered spaces, and inadequate lighting contribute to this hazard. You will need fall prevention measures to ensure your elderly loved one’s safety.

  • Medication mismanagement

    Seniors may face hazards related to medication, such as forgetting to take prescribed doses, taking incorrect medications, or experiencing adverse reactions. An expert in home care in Vermont may help with reminders and administration.

  • Fire and burn risks

    Seniors may encounter hazards like cooking accidents, faulty electrical equipment, or improperly used heating devices that increase the risk of fires and burns.

  • Poorly designed bathrooms

    Bathrooms can pose hazards with slippery surfaces, inadequate handrails, and difficulty in accessing essential facilities, leading to accidents.

  • Inadequate home security

    Seniors can be vulnerable to burglary or other crimes if their homes lack proper security measures, increasing the risk of harm or financial loss.

With home care services in Vermont, families will have the peace of mind and assurance that their senior loved ones are getting what they deserve. Hope Home Care Services is here as an ally toward good health and safety.

Call us now at 802-234-4000 and get our non-medical in-home care services to see for yourselves what we can do for you.

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